Meeting the challenge together
The European Union is demanding increased re-use of side streams, by-products and waste. This challenge could be a risk but also an opportunity for the Norwegian process industry as an important strategic supplier of raw materials.
The Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment is writing a white paper on the transitions towards a circular economy model. It is important that we combine the focus on reducing environmental pollution with the increasing need for resource efficiency.
Important action
The EUs Circular Economy Action Plan will have an impact on future consumption of many materials and their whole value chain impacting growth and business opportunities.
As an industry in direct competition with suppliers from outside of the European Union there is an opportunity to position the Norwegian process industry as the preferred supplier of choice in the future circular economy.
PROSIN wants to highlight the importance of the European Agenda for the Norwegian process industry and invited therefore to a workshop to highlight the role of carbon capture, utilization and storage in a low carbon industry. The PROSIN Workshop focused on the opportunities in Carbon Capture, storage and utilization (CCS/CCU) related to industrial activities.
The Workshop highlighted many interesting aspects around the opportunities centred on utilizing CO/CO2 as a resource Activities in the workshop was focused on questionaling the What / Who and When. There are feasibility studies underway for CO2 capture for two process industry locations in Norway. But what happens next ? The workshop was focused on what are the right question sto ask next! We hope this workshop can form a basis to initiate further data collection and information concerning CO2 emission and potetial capture or usage.
- Shortcut
Participants at the workshop were representatives from industry and academia
- Sure, you can reach the set climate targets one by one, but pulling together in the Eyde Cluster shortens the journey considerably, says Rolf Myrvold from GE-Healthcare.
Too expensive?
Carbon Capture is one opportunity connected to circular economy.
However: Will production become to expensive with CCS, asks one of the participants.
It is therefore important to understand the frameworks at an early stage in order to adapt early and remain at the forefront of developments and competition.
This means that industry has to find its role in new circular value chains as the supplier of materials at the heart of it by supplying better materials with lower footprints to products designed with their End-of- Life in mind.
Framework important
In order to maintain its competitive edge in the circular economy, these collaborative workshops are really important because they can trigger good projects.
- The project “Waste to Value” was developed in just such a workshop, says Gro Eide, director of R&D at Elkem Technology.

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