Delievers hydrogen production equipment for a big american company
NEL hydrogen has done a deal with the transport company Nikola Corporation, delievering a large-scale production equipment for hydrogen.
- We deliever technology to produce green hydrogen. We are completely green, says Kai Rune Heggland, strategical leader in NEL ASA.
He joined the company a couple of months ago, and NEL is now a member of the Eyde Cluster. Heggland himself, has contributed in building up the cluster, and is well known with the advantages a big cluster can have. Both for networking and as a influencer for a green change.
- We have the best opportunities to substitute oil, gas and coal with hydrogen. The existing hydrogen marked is global, points out Heggland.
Recently Nicola Corporation announced in a press release that they have signed a golden deal with NEL, ordering production equipments for hydrogen, that will make the daily production up to 40.000 kgs of hydrogen.
- We are building the largest hydrogen network in the world and I couldn’t be prouder to have Nel part of it, says Trevor Milton, Nikola Corporation´s founder and executive chairman in the press release.
Read the press release here:
This was the trigger for NEL´s plan to build the chemical electrolysis plant at Herøya.
- We’re very excited to have reached this landmark milestone with Nikola Corporation. Since our partnership began in 2017, we have been working together to develop a massive large-scale hydrogen fueling station. It’s been amazing to see the significant progress made by the Nikola team specific to vehicle development and the station design, and now we are ready to start building, says Jon André Løkke, chief executive officer of Nel in the same press release.
Heggland makes clear the importance of making visible a sustainable industrial Norway, to influence others.
- The Eyde Cluster can be a door opener and has become an amazing cluster with an enormous impact for the Government, the department and other stakeholders. It really is a good door opener and a power for the Norwegian industry, says Heggland.
NEL Hydrogen har almost 100 employees, and has its main office at Notodden. At the moment they are working to establish a large-scale production plant at Herøya, expecting a growth in the need for hydrogen.
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