Focus on batteries in Europe after the corona crisis
How can Norwegian industry and the Norwegian government contribute to the development of a European battery value chain?
- What is EU and what is it not? And what possibilities can it give us, asks Paal Frisvold, EU advisor at Avfall Norge, during the digital meeting 15th of April, arranged by PROSIN, BATMAN, Process21 and BEACON.
The web meeting showed the last developments in the European innovation environment for climate – and industry, focused on the battery value chain and Norways opportunity to contribute in this.
200 people participated in the meeting, where a range speakers held presentations.
Downlod the presentation here:
The Research Council of Norway
European Green Deal
Frisvold pointed on The European Green Deal as an important force for the European sovereignty within the circular and digital, to reach the zero waste climate goals within 2050.
He also spoke about the importance of including the climate goals when rebuilding the EU economy after the corona crisis. The president of the EU commission, Ursula von der Leyen, recently declared in a article that we must not lose of sight the existing climate – and ecological crisis when we are working on economic recovery measures after the corona pandemia.
- Part of the synergy
The various EU financed projects and networks, as Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, InvestEU, European Defence Fund, Connecting Europe Facility: Energy , digital and Transport, LIFE, Set Plan; Strategic Energy Technology Plan and Battery Alliance show that a lot is ongoing.
- The Norwegian government has to be braindead if they are not willing to contribute to these programmes. We are a part of the synergy. It gives us opportunities and entry, through the backdoor to EU, where we can contribute and share, points Frisvold out.
Battery 2030+
Battery 2030+ is a large scale and long-term European research initiative with a vision of making sustainable batteries for the future.
- The aim is to make ultra functioning batteries which are safe, inexpensive, sustainable and long lasting. There is a huge need for batteries, and they are the key factor for a sustainable society, recited Edel Sheridan in SINTEF.
She consider the industry as having an important role in this. It´s important to work out a way of production which will function at a plant – and not only in a lab. The production has to be inexpensive, and with use of minimal energy.
Battery 2030+ is funded by Horizon 2020.
Batteries Europe
Batteries Europe is a European technology – and innovation platform. A network for the ecosystem of batteries.
- We have to work together, points out Dr. Ilkka V. Kojo from the Finnish Outec.
He described a the existing battery projects and platforms – especially focused on the importance of raw materials and recycling.
- The aim is to develop new knowledge and develop research competence, which is profitable for the industry, says Andreas Bratland from The Research Council of Norway.
He presented the project EnergiX, supported by The Research Council of Norway.
1,5 Billions NOK from The Research Council of Norway are going to innovation projects contributing to innovation and sustainable growth. Bratland pointed out that 44 projects were successfully completed in 2019, funded by The Research Council of Norway.
Then he showed what a strong application should consist, and he presented different funded battery projects.
Innovation Norway
- It´s important to priority companies with potential of growth, both before and after the corona crisis, says Marianne Kinnari from Innovation Norway.
Innovation Norway will contribute to a sustainable development, primary funding small – and medium sized business.
- It can be a significant growing marked, and with some extra ordinary moves from the government, this field can be based for growth in Norway, concluded Lars Petter Maltby, leader of Eyde Innovation Centre and leader of Process21.
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