Hosting the world conference in sampling & blending
Next year the 10th world conference on sampling and blending - WCSB, is hosted by the Eyde Cluster. The conference will be held in Kristiansand.
The conference is arranged May31th - June 2th 2022
- While we are on the topic of anniversaries, there will of course also be a special focus on the fact that the WCSB conference has now been conducted for 20 years, with ever increasing benefits to science, technology, industry and society. It is also a pleasure that the conference is kind of "coming home" to Scandinavia again, says Kim Esbensen, who are hosting the conference together with Eyde Cluster and Elke Thisted in Glencore as the facilitator.
Because of the Covid-19, the conference is postponed a year, an d will therefore mark its 21th year of existence.
The conference will cover the newest topics within the theory of sampling and blending (TOS). In addition to give a broader perspective for a more sustainable science, technology and industry.
Dedicated to the theory of sampling
The founder of the method
A sustainable scope
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