The BATMAN project publishes its first open reports
Following are the first two reports by the battery project BATMAN.
- It is an important milestone for BATMAN that we are already delivering open insight into the Norway and European battery value chain and policy environment, within the projects first year, says Stephen Sayfritz, contact person for the BATMAN project and project leader in Eyde Cluster.
The BATMAN project recently released its first output in the form of two policy briefs based on full internal project reports.
Norway’s first mover advantage in the LIB EV market will expose it to volume reuse and recycling challenges/opportunities before most countries.
The policy environment
The first summarizes the dynamic European battery policy environment:
“Powering the European Green Deal: Key policy trends on lithium ion batteries”,
and is produced by Associate Professor Stina Torjesen at the University of Agder and one of the project’s PhD student Terese Birkeland.
Battery flow
The second explores a first investigation of battery flows though the Norway market from purchase to modelled scrappage:
“The Movement of Li-Ion Batteries through the Norwegian Transport Sector From Market Penetration to Vehicle Scrappage” by Chief Research Engineer Erik Figenbaum from The Institute of Transport Economics and his team.
The briefs are written as part of the “Lithium ion BATteries - Norwegian opportunities within sustainable end-of-life MANagement, reuse and new material streams (BATMAN)” funded by the Research Council of Norway (BATMAN – 299334) and the project partners.
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