The Nordic countries can together make a green value chain
The transport sector represents 25 % of Europe´s CO2-emissions and sustainable mobility is one of the key focuses of the developing European New Green deal. A cooperation between Norway and Sweden within development, production and recycling of batteries, will make a green and sustainable eco system.
The transition from today´s fossil fuel -based transport sector to electric mobility, is a significant sustainable value creation opportunity for both Norway and Sweden. Support from the Nordic neighbours, is also a factor for succeed in deliever a full European value chain and the world´s greenest lithium ion batteries (LIB).
Sign up to the webinar "The Nordic Battery Scene" 30.juni here
Here you find the invitation (pdf)
The Nobel prize in chemistry was given to the researchers who invented the lithium-ion-batteries, the one you have in your mobile and your electric car. Post doctor Gunstein Skomedal by the University of Agder, explains in the podcast "Spør forskeren" what kind of role these can have meeting the climate crise.
– The University and the business life in Agder have more projects going on, looking at how we can use the used lithium-ion batteries from electric cars, says Skomedal in a interview at the University´s webpage.
Many of the batteries which in the future come from worn out electric cars, can get new lives, for example as a power charger from solar cells.
– We want to recycle the batteries we can not use any more, on a efficient and sustainable way, so the valuable metals can be reused on something else, says Skomedal.
Listen to the podcast here (Norwegian)
Se the video with Gunstein Skomedal telling about the battery research here (Norwegian)
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