We are gold labeled
The secretariat of Eyde Cluster received the European gold label for an excellent management and structure.
The label for high quality expire December 2021. After two years, the cluster has to redo the analyze process to keep the gold label. The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis consists of 200 cluster experts in 30 countries, who evaluate the different clusters based on the quality of their management. The quality labeling system featuring the three quality labels BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD.
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- It shows that we work in a right way
Cluster management organizations holding a GOLD Label show their documented commitment towards a continual improvement of their organizational structures and routines - for the benefit of an even better performance.
- It´s not only our own self-image, because now it´s verificated, says board leader of Eyde Cluster, Jorunn Skofteland Gislefoss.
She is very happy to get the gold label.
Went through everything
For two days, three neutral representants from ESCA, together with the cluster secretariat in Eyde Cluster, investigated structure, management, finances, strategi, service and performance.
Eyde Cluster is now one out of 107 clusters from 18 different European countries marked with the gold label.
- The fact that we went through this process, has not changed anything of the way we are organized. We have been doing good for a long time. The fact that we have to make a continual bettering, as a part of the request, is only on the positive side, emphasizes Skofteland Gislefoss.
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