Battery webinar: - There is a great potential for a common shaping of values through co-work
Norway, Sweden and Finland have access to battery raw materials, material processing capacity, fabrication through the battery value chain. A new battery industry can be built on existing renewable power resources enabling the production of batteries with lowest climate footprint. In the webinar, by The Nordic Battery scene, you get information regarding the activities Europe and the Nordic countries are doing on batteries.
- The Eyde Cluster is closely engaged in «The Nordic Battery Scene» through several of their projects, particularly the BATMAN-project and also through its position as a secretary role in Battery Norway. A closer Nordic co-operation in the battery value chain, will help both Norway and the Nordic countries, and Europe, to take a significant position in the global battery marked. There is a great potential for a common shape of values through co-operations on areas, for example technology, competence and sustainability, where the Nordic countries traditionally are strong compared to other parts of the world, says Steinar Åsmund Fagervoll, project leader for the Eyde Cluster´s work on the battery value chain.
Webinar on the Nordic co-operations
you will be able to meet key actors within the Nordic battery scene, including the Norwegian Minister for Trade and Industry, automotive OEM, Battery material producers and Nordic cell producers. You will also get an insight into how the European Battery Alliance, Business Sweden, Business Finland and Innovation Norway enable Nordic companies to bring their innovations to market.
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