- Collaboration between the Nordic countries = sustainability
Norwegians have collaboration in their blood. Coming from a small, historically isolated country, they understand the adage “there is strength in numbers”. By cooperating with our Nordic friends, we can ensure we deliver on sustainability, according to an article in The Explorer.
- On a national level, we’re seeing increasing cooperation within the battery industry. More industry players, even competitors, are collaborating, and more industrial clusters are forming, says Nora Rosenberg Grobæk in Invest in Norway.
Lars Petter Maltby in Battery Norway/Eyde Cluster agrees.
- We want to strengthen all the Nordic partners. Finland has the raw materials, Norway has green electricity and a mature process industry, and Sweden has a strong industrial base. By coming together, we can make an impact on the European market, he says.
- A strong Nordic value chain is great for all three countries. By cooperating with our Nordic friends, we can ensure we deliver on sustainability, Rosenberg Grobæk adds.
An excellent example of Nordic cooperation is HydroVolt, an EV recycling joint venture between Hydro and Northvolt, a Swedish battery manufacturer. Aluminium from the used batteries will be recycled and reused by Hydro, while the “black mass” containing lithium, manganese, nickel and cobalt will be reused in Northvolt’s battery production.
Read the article Super Bowl ad kicks off winning year for Norway’s battery industry
See the Nordic Battery Thursdays
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