Join us in Battery Thursdays
In this webinar series we will adress how the Nordic countries can work together to define not only the region's smart energy approach, but also the wider European and global context.
"What needs to be done in order to optimise the use of resources and expertise across the Nordics? And what are the current challenges and opportunities in a highly dynamic and fast-paced ecosystem? These questions will be adressed during the Nordic Battery Thursdays. The webinars will include presentations and panel debates with stakeholders from all parts of the battery ecosystem, including materials, research, cell production, applications (end clients) as well as recycling," according to the webpage Norway Battery Thursdays.
Nordic Battery Thursdays is a webinar series created by Innovation Norway, Business Sweden, Business Finland and EBA250.
Have a look at the webinar #3, Nordic perspective on Norway
Next Battery Thursday is at Dec 9th: Webinar #4, European and global outlook for the Nordics
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