Looking for new possibilities for the side streams
On mission for the Norwegian Government, the Eyde Cluster has made a database with an overview to the material side stream from 54 companies. This is a cooperation with Industrial Green Tech, Act, Avfall Norge, NCCE and Norsk Industri. Now is the goal to find new ways of use for these - first to reduse the amount of dangerous unorganic materials from the process industry.
The Government gave the Eyde Cluster the task to map the side streams in Norwegian process industry. This is now completed in phase 1. Now, the projects is going over to the second phase, who is aimed to find new forms of usage and new business opportunities for the material side streams.
- In cooperation with other clusters, we have done a job where we in detail mapped the material side streams who have the potential to a better usage than it have today, says Gunnar Kulia, in the Eyde Cluster.
250 side streams
The work is based by a mapping Elkem Technology´s Jorunn Voje did in 2013. This was a good base for the project and a method for further mapping. During the autumn 2020, they have mapped in detail, and gathered more information from more than 90 percent of the companies who were invited in. 250 side streams are mapped. 10 million ton a year.
Database and possible use
A database is made for these side streams, where all the details ar plotted. Here, the side streams are categorized as organic or unorganic, dangerous or non dangerous waste. In that way it can be easier to consider possible use. Some can be used as raw materials. Others can be used as filler.
Eramet, with its Green Stone, is a good example of how side streams can potentially be used as something new. Read more
Experts categorize
- Part of our task is to picture the potential use, in ways the companies have not seen before, says Kulia. The project group is first making a large sorting in the database. After that, national and international experts will take it further to a more detailed sorting and categorizing. This is no quick fix, and it´s an exchange of competence crossing industries and fields. But on the other hand, less CO2 emission and a better use and reuse of raw materials in the future, as a part of the national strategy for circular economy.
- We hope we can match 2-4 companies who can make use of each others side streams, says Magne Dåstøl, in the project work group.
In the future, the goal is to attach international industry. Norwegian participation in different EU projects in Horizon 2020 gives the project an entry to the work done by EU.
- Must be used further
Phase 1, with the mapping of the side streams, was delivered the Government before Christmas.
- We are interested in this will not be stored in the archive, but can be used further on, says Kulia.
- It has to be a living database, says Jorunn Voje, in Elkem, who also points at this as a unique possibility and something never done before.
They consider the mapped material from the 54 companies, as a very good base for further work.
- This is adapted for more companies to be involved, and what can be the result of the facts we noe have, that´s exciting, says Stine Skagestad, leader of circular change in the Eyde Cluster.
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