Tom Tugendhat, Chairman of the British Foreign Affairs Committee, talked about the different relationship and boundaries between countries
Photo: Gerrick Robinson
Tom Tugendhat, Chairman of the British Foreign Affairs Committee, talked about the different relationship and boundaries between countries Photo: Gerrick Robinson

- We have to create an interdependency

Are we using question mark or exclamation mark after the word "recovery"? 

Watch The GLOBAL OUTLOOK 2021 here

The word "interdependency" is a key word to work for a better world. The global condition is everybody´s responsibility. Nothing you can fix alone.

Ine Eriksen Søreide, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs opened the annual Global Outlook with her view at the global situation and Norway´s role in this. Due to meetings regarding the situation in Kabul, Afghanistan, she had to participate via link.

- Define your purpose

There were three keynote speakers at the eight edition of Global Outlook 2021. According to the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management and Tom Tugendhat, Chairman of the British Foreign Affairs Committee also gave their perspective on the global situation.

Nicolai Tangen encouraged companies to define their purpose, to attract the right chairmen to help lead the company in the right direction. He advocated a stronger shareholder democracy, a division of the roles of CEO and Chairman, which he saw could have a positive effect on for example climate issues. 


The boundaries between countries

Tom Tugendhat, Chairman of the British Foreign Affairs Committee, talked about the different relationship and boundaries between countries, and exemplified it humoristicly with the history between Britain and Norway:

- I think relations between our two countries have improved a lot in the last 1200 years, since you stopped murdering us.


How can we redifine the economy, rebuild political boundaries and tackle climate- and nature crisis? Not an easy task to solve. But due to the 3 keynote speakers and the 4 persons in the panel, it is an optimism out there - a willing to change together. 

Recovery after the pandemia

How to recover after the pandemia? This was the overall topic of this years Global Outlook. How can the world recover after Covid-19? Are there a question mark after "recovery" or an exclamation mark?  

Hilde Merete Aasheim (CEO, Norsk Hydro), Øyvind Eriksen (President and CEO i Aker ASA), Jon Gunnar Pedersen (partner in Arctic Securities) and Bjørn Otto Sverdrup (member of OGCI-committee (Oil- and gas inititative) were in the panel.



Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management.
Photo: Gerrick Robinson
Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management. Photo: Gerrick Robinson
From left: Øyvind Eriksen, President and CEO in Aker ASA, Øyvind Eriksen, President and CEO in Aker ASA, Hilde Merete Aasheim, CEO in Norsk Hydro, Jon Gunnar Pedersen, partner in Arctic Securities. Photo: Gerrick Robinson
From left: Øyvind Eriksen, President and CEO in Aker ASA, Øyvind Eriksen, President and CEO in Aker ASA, Hilde Merete Aasheim, CEO in Norsk Hydro, Jon Gunnar Pedersen, partner in Arctic Securities. Photo: Gerrick Robinson


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