BattKomp: Phase three has started
The BattKomp project is in its third phase, and has recently organized two "sprint workshops" in order to be better prepared for the major investment in batteries in Norway.
The workshops form much of the basis for what is to be recommended in the area of expertise in the government's battery strategy (
Do we need battery specialization for vocational college, 3.grade? - and measures for attractiveness and recruitment with broad involvement? 30 experts from vocational subjects, county council, industry, Faglig Råd, NAV, Directorate of Education, vocational school, training office, KS, the trade union movement, Industriløft Battery Norway and Norsk Industry gathered for a whole day at Telegrafen in Oslo to discuss these questions.
Representatives from the university and college sector, vocational schools, industry and trade unions also met to discuss how we can build up the capacity for battery-relevant education, and increase cooperation across the board.
The last sprint in BattKOMP 3 will be carried out in November, and the theme of the block for this sprint is "The Nordic region as a competence hub for sustainable battery industry".
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