Horizon Europe: The program for 2023/24
Here is the Horizon Europe Program for the period 2023 – 2024.
Following this publication, the EU Commission will hold a number of information events in Brussels on successive days:
- Cluster 4 on the 12th of December
- Cluster5 on the 13th of December
- Matchmaking event for Cluster 4 on the 14th of December
More information and registration:
In preparation for this, Prosess+ together with the Norwegian Research council and SINTEF, invites you for an infomeet for the Process Industry related calls under Cluster 4 and Cluster 5.
- 6th of December, kl. 13:00 – 14:00REGISTRATION
For more information on the various European thematic platforms please look here:
Public- Private- Partnership Process4Planet, please look here:
For more information on technology and knowledge development in the Raw Materials sector please look here:
Strategic development of the Raw Materials sector:
Se hele kalenderen >-
Balansekunst i industrien - fra innsikt til handling (NEW arr.)
Bølgen bærekraftsenter, Vestre Strandgate 12, Kristiansand -
Digital formiddagskaffe - Tema: Clean Industry Deal
Digitalt -
Årsmøte Eyde-klyngen
Hunsfos Næringspark, Vennesla -
Green Lab visit - Skive, DK - 2nd -3rd of April
Skive, Danmark -
Techpoint 2025
Kilden Teater og konserthus, Kunstsilo, Kulturskolen Knuden