They are all linked to fish
How to make value of the whole fish? That is the vision Iceland Ocean cluster is aiming. The Nordic Circular hub had their first meeting in person this week in Iceland.
Iceland Ocean cluster is aiming to create value and discover new opportunities connecting entrepreneurs, business and marine industry knowledge. One example on usage, and not to forget increased value, is a 4800 USD band aid for medical use, supplements, bags and more.
Exchange of knowledge
- We exchanged knowledge at the conference, and later we had interesting meetings with entrepreneurs who contribute to the shift from a linear to a circular economy. We also had a meeting with the Icelandic Minister of the Envoronment, Energy and Climate, concerning how Iceland can make an effort to be more circular. The work by Iceland Ocean cluster is a fantastic start, and with all the skilled entrepreneurs working with sustainable solutions, we believe in a more circular Iceland, Stine Skagestad in the Eyde Cluster says.
She contributed at the conference, together with Christophe Pinck, also from the Eyde Cluster.
The Nordic possibilities
Delegates from Norway, Finland and Denmark participated in the 2 days long workshop "Let´s go circular", together with Iceland Ocean cluster in Iceland this week to discuss the Nordic possibilities concerning circular economy.
More about the Nordic Circular hub
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