300 students visited Fiven and Morrow
The upcoming generation is concerned about ensuring that tomorrow's industry is greener and that there are enough apprenticeship opportunities. On Friday, students from both academic and vocational programs had the opportunity to visit Fiven and the Morrow site in Arendal to gain insight into how today's industry operates.
- It seems exciting to work here since I want to work in a large company, says Sander Emil Ånonsen (17), who is studying industrial technology at Sam Eyde High School.
He is training to become a CNC operator in the process industry.
Now, he stands on the Morrow site with the rest of the students, measuring the distance to the gigafactory that will be built and completed in 2024.
- But the problem is that there are too few apprenticeship opportunities, Sander Emil interjects, as he will begin his apprenticeship at Ertec in Tvedestrand in the fall.
The 300 students from Arendal High School and Sam Eyde High School were surprised by the size of the Fiven company. They witnessed the production process of Silicon Carbide and learned about its various applications in space exploration, electric vehicles, and other everyday items. After the company visits, they were transported by buses to Arendal city center, where they played a Kahoot game about the process industry and went on a scavenger hunt in the city to find products made from materials and resources produced in the Eyde Cluster.
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