ARENDALSUKA: Paused her vacation to speak in Arendal
Sandrine Dixon-Declève, Co-President in The Club of Rome and Christophe Pinck, international contact in Eyde Cluster agree that cooperation is the key factor for putting the global warming on pause.
- The Club of Rome is not afraid of the complexity in the questions posed. They consider both the ecosystem and the societal perspective. And Sandrine presents it in a human way, where you see her passion, says Christophe Pinck, who is quite proud to have brought Sandrine Dixon-Declève, who meets world leaders, to come to Arendal.
Adds quality assurance
- Collaborating with The Club of Rome can provide us with quality assurance, significance, and focus on our sustainability efforts, believes Pinck.
On her part, Sandrine interrupted her vacation to speak at the Global Outlook on Monday and at the breakfast event "Ecosystems and Planetary Boundaries – What Does It Mean for the Process Industry?" on Tuesday morning.
- This is the decisive decade. There is no time for complacency nor despair," says Sandrine Dixon-Declève about the necessary changes.
She has developed an international compass for change, advising Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, and defining EU policies.
Systematic Approach
The Eyde Cluster's vision is to ensure growth and competitive Norwegian process industry that operates within the limits of nature. Collectively, we strive for companies to provide a positive contribution back to society and nature. The question is how we can best achieve this together.
Dixon-Declève believes that a systematic approach is necessary for industrial development. Industry 5.0. In order to do this, we must work together for change.
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