Battery Norway: Attending Battery Japan
Battery Norway meets Battery Japan. The Nordic Battery Collaboration is attending a 2 days long conference in batteries in Japan. Companionship with battery value chains all around the world, can make a greener and more sustainable battery value chain for the ongoing green transition.
Pål Runde from Battery Norway is in Japan these days, together with Innovation Norway, Business Sweden and Business Finland. Innovation Norway, Nordic Innovation and the Nordic Innovation House Tokyo are organizing a seminar to present an overview of the Nordic activities for building a green and sustainable battery value chain region in Norway, Sweden, and Finland.
Innovation Norway, Business Sweden, Business Finland and Nordic Innovation House Tokyo are organizing the event.
About Nordic Battery Collaboration
Nordic Battery Collaboration is a joint strategic collaboration between the three national trade and investment promotion companies of Norway, Sweden and Finland (Innovation Norway, Business Sweden and Business Finland) to develop the world's greenest and most sustainable battery value chain in the Nordic countries. It is a project that promotes creation and development.
Read also about Battery Association for Supply Chain (BASC)
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