Collaborative project to accelerate digitalization
Helge Dahl-Jørgensen from Digital Norway and Ahmed Nabil Belbachir, Research Director at NORCE, are collaborating to enhance artificial intelligence in the industry.
NORCE, which is also involved in the EU project COGNIMAN, along with the Eyde Cluster, is now collaborating with Digital Norway to promote increased use of artificial intelligence in the industry through the EU Robotics project.
More collaboration
- Everyone in Norway is working on the topic individually, so it's great to collaborate with another cluster working on the same thing, says Nabil Belbachir regarding the collaboration between NORCE and Digital Norway.
He also sees the opportunity to involve even more collaborators, which could lead to greater financial support.
- It will strengthen Norwegian robots so that they can be integrated into the production line, says Belbachir.
More data-driven and AI-focused
- We are small communities working with different technologies in small sectors. Within robotics and manufacturing, there aren't many. In the Eyde Cluster, there are several companies representing the same technology areas that used to operate independently in mechanics, robotics, physics, and some in data. The current need is for classic automation with much more data-driven technology and the emergence of AI technologies, says Helge Dahl-Jørgensen, leader of Digital Norway, regarding the use of AI in the industry.
More desire for transformation
He sees a clear change among companies regarding their willingness to digitally transform.
- They are much more systematic and see that there are business opportunities in combining technology with deep sector-specific expertise, says Dahl-Jørgensen.
He believes that companies that fail to keep up with technology will gradually be left behind and will face new threats in their value chains and markets. Their customers may also make different choices and begin to ask more questions and demand higher standards in production.
- So, I think they will feel the impact eventually if they fail to embrace technology, says Dahl-Jørgensen.
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