Meet the new battery students
The University of Agder is offering a new specialization in battery technology starting this fall to meet the competency demands within the rapidly growing battery industry, both regionally and nationally. We joined the battery students on a company visit.
Batteries consist of raw materials. Therefore, it's extremely important to consider the availability of these, says Gunstein Skomedal, who has brought students from Renewable Energy and the brand-new specialization in Battery Technology at the University of Agder on a company visit to Glencore Nikkelverk with its copper plant, followed by a visit at Vianode and Elkem.
Battery Industry Insight
The course is called Battery Industry Insight and is part of the new battery specialization available for bachelor's and master's programs in renewable energy at UiA.
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- Huge investments are needed to build up the battery value chain, and a substantial workforce is required. That's why this battery study program at UiA has been established, says Skomedal.
- Fun to see the whole process
- I didn't know that there were such companies here in Southern Norway, so this was very exciting. Maybe I can find a job here in the future, says student Jomard Muhsen Khalaf, who has a bachelor's degree in Renewable Energy and is now pursuing the new battery technology program to meet future needs.
- I find it very interesting, and it's fun to see the whole process. You can see where it comes from when you use it because you don't always think about it. It's a long value chain with a lot to keep track of if they want everything to be clean, but it seems like they've got it under control, so that's good. It's also cool to see how they've optimized it, especially the new copper plant, says Cecilie Chakram-Nybru, who is studying Renewable Energy and has started the Battery Technology program because she wants to study something that is forward-looking and an important topic.
Battery Coast
The University of Agder initiated a five-year project in 2021 in collaboration with the industry to develop expertise in battery technology. The goal is to become one of the leading knowledge hubs in Norway, and Southern Norway is aiming to live up to its new nickname, "Battery Coast."
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