The Eyde Cluster enters its second period as a gold-certified administration
After a new assessment by the Eyde cluster's administration, we have been given a new period as a gold-certified cluster.
The Eyde Cluster as an organization has participated in one of the processes of the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA).
The second time
- This is the second time we have been certified to this "gold standard" for European clusters, and we have also developed since the last time - in 2019. I feel that we are well "within" the requirements they set, so the most important thing for us is to get good advice for further development. We are challenged to become even more visible internationally - and I think that will also be important. The Eyde cluster is close to European processes, but we can probably do better at making our cluster and our ambitions visible in Europe, says Helene Falch Fladmark, current head of the Eyde cluster.
Should tell more of the good stories
Two independent cluster experts went through 31 quality indicators for cluster management, by interviewing cluster managers and relevant employees. The findings were supported by relevant documents.
If the cluster achieves at least 80% of the requirements, it receives the gold mark. The Eyde Cluster achieved a whopping 94% score.
- We also receive recommendations to become even better at telling the good stories about the cluster's work and how this adds value to the companies. This will be important for us - because the good stories are important for the industry's reputation, which in turn can influence recruitment and good framework conditions, she says.
Do you have a good story from your company, don`t hesitate to contact
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