- We need a new type of funding that focuses more on strategic investments.
The national politician Ola Elvestuen (from the liberal party) was impressed by what he saw and heard at the test center of Elkem Technology, and their participation in the EU project SisAl.
- It is a great opportunity, both from someone with important production and for someone who has no emissions. The challenge is to get the production here. What I have received a lot of input on here now is how there is a need to make larger strategic investments, also from the Norwegian side, says Ola Elvestuen after the visit to Elkem and the workshop for the SisAl research project.
- We need to support production in Norway
- Although we have good fundings, especially on climate and the environment in Norway, we also need an addition to ensure production in Norway, to ensure that we have control over strategic value chains, and that we reach the climate potential of the various technological developments can achieve.
Elvestuen thinks the SisAl project is impressive, and what they have achieved with the test center at Elkem.
- It is clear that this is a quality that we have in Norway, and we need to take care of this. The challenges are not just to constantly test out the technology and the new possibilities, it is about how we can finally put it into production - and preferably here too.
The technology must be used
- What do we need to create a sustainable business model around this?
- We have many schemes in Norway which are good. We have the Research Council, fundings within Innovation Norway, Grønn Plattform, Enova, and we are involved in many fundings, so all of this is extremely important and necessary. But I think we are missing a lot - both to reach climate targets and to gain control of the value chains. And the fact that we have these in Europe and the countries we collaborate with. Therefore, we need a new type of funding that focuses more on strategic investments, says Elvestuen.
When the industry is to cut emissions by 55%, it is no secret that there will also be an increase in the price of emissions.
- We have to ensure that our technology for cutting emissions is put into use, and that the industry, in order to produce with zero emissions, has the economic quality to continue production here and not disappear, points out Elvebakken.
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