- Without such forums, we would not have been able to collaborate crosswise
On Wednesday, all the professional work committees in the Eyde Cluster gathered in Kristiansand to discuss how we can contribute to ensuring that the core companies remain competitive in the low-emission society.
- I have been part of the maintenance group for a year, but I see that Returkraft should have been part of several of the working committees, says Odd Olav Pettersen, maintenance manager at Returkraft.
Could have participated in several of the working groups
In a workshop with the other professional groups in the Eyde Cluster, he sees that both process, HSE, HR, maintenance and automation are relevant working groups for Returkraft.
- This is very useful for me - with the interdisciplinary aspect. After all, I sit as part of the management and see the big picture, and many of these professional areas intertwine. I see great benefit in this for understanding each other, and we need input from each other, Pettersen clarifies.
- Get lots of good tips
- Here I get lots of great tips for what we do on a daily basis, it becomes more of a breathing space, because when you are in the office you do your own things. Here you are free to see the overall goal, says Elke Thisted, head of process control and development at Glencore Nikkelverk.
She thinks the subject groups are an excellent sharing arena that also triggers creativity. Glencore has 11 of its employees in the various working groups in the cluster.
She does not think much sharing across the companies would have happened without having this sharing arena in the Eyde Cluster.

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