Joining a major European initiative
Morrow Batteries receives 345 million Norwegian kroner in grants for battery project from Innovation Norway.
- We are pleased to assist Morrow Batteries with the tools available to increase the opportunities for the company to succeed in its strategy of positioning itself in the European battery industry, says Sveinung Hovstad, Regional Director at Innovation Norway in a press release.
Four Norwegian Battery Companies
Morrow, Vianode, Beyonder, and Cenate are the four Norwegian battery companies that have joined the European flagship initiative IPCEI EU Battery Innovation. The Norwegian Parliament decided in connection with the presentation of the Budget for 2024 to establish an innovation grant for larger battery projects with a budget of one billion Norwegian kroner.
- With this, Norway is seriously entering the European flagship initiative on batteries. These four projects will contribute to innovation in various parts of both the Norwegian and European battery value chains, says Håkon Haugli, CEO of Innovation Norway.
Common European Interest
IPCEI stands for "Important Projects of Common European Interest" and is a key tool in EU industrial policy.
- Great credit to Norwegian authorities and the Ministry of Trade and Industry with Minister Jan Christian Vestre (V) for getting Norway involved in the IPCEI scheme a year ago in March. This is a scheme that the EU has, providing support for important projects of common European interest, including batteries, says Pål Runde, head of Battery Norway.
A year ago, Norway was connected to the battery initiative IPCEI EuBatIn. It has yielded good results.
Membership will provide Norwegian companies access to financing, new markets, and European collaboration.
About IPCEI, Important Projects of Common European Interest
IPCEI is a key tool in EU industrial policy, and it is a state aid scheme to overcome market failures and finance groundbreaking innovation and infrastructure in large and strategically important collaborative projects between countries and companies within the EEA area. IPCEI aims to develop new products, services, and production processes and the development of infrastructure that would not have been realized without state aid, and contribute to sustainable growth, increased employment, and increased global competitiveness in EEA countries. Projects must involve innovation beyond "state of the art." The government has given Innovation Norway the coordination responsibility for IPCEI work in Norway.
About IPCEI EuBatIn and associated partnership
IPCEI EuBatIn started in 2021 as the second of two IPCEI initiatives in batteries. IPCEI EuBatIn has twelve member countries and 46 direct partners. New actors wishing to become so-called associated partners are welcomed. IPCEI EuBatIn consists of four workstreams for different parts of the value chain: 1) Raw materials and advanced materials, 2) Battery cells, 3) Battery systems, and 4) Recycling and sustainability. The companies now receiving funding are admitted as members of IPCEI EuBatIn.
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