The Nordic Battery Scene: -It´s important to collaborate
Both the Prime Minister Erna Solberg and EU´s Vice President focused on the importance of having a Nordic collaboration to develop a green battery value chain in the seminar "The Nordic Battery Scene".
- The green industries, such as the battery sector, should be at the core of recovery from the Covid-19 crisis, says Maroš Šefčovič – Vice President for the European Commission in the Innovation Norway seminar "The Nordic battery Scene" Tuesday morning.
He explains further that this is not only because they can create new jobs and growth, but also because they will lead to a cleaner, greener and more resilient Europe.
Ecosystem for batteries
The seminar The Nordic Battery Scene was dealing with the status of the battery ecosystem in Norway and Sweden. Lars Petter Maltby from the Eyde Cluster presented the new platform for batteries "Battery Norway", and focused on the importance of collaborate.
Here are the speakers in the seminar:
- Special greeting from Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg
- Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tina Bru
- Maroš Šefčovič – VP European Commission
- Moderated Q&A with CEOs from Morrow Batteries, Freyr and Beyonder
- Arvid Moss, chairperson of the board of the NHO (The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise), in conversation with Fredrik Persson, chairperson of the board of Svenskt Näringsliv (Confederation of Swedish Enterprise)
- Emma Nehrenheim from Northvolt AB
Hydro Volt a good example
Fredrik Persson, chairperson of the board of Svenskt Näringsliv, pointed at Northvolt as a good example where entrepreneurs and their drive make things happen.
Emma Nehrenheim introduced the new Swedish/Norwegian collaboration Hydro Volt, where Norsk Hydro and Northvolt are collaborating in the batteries value chain.
Important partnership
Arvid Moss, chairperson of the board of the NHO (The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise) agree on that and adds, but he thinks that today to little of the electrification and the batterie value chain benefits Norway:
- Batteries will be a big industry, and we see some initiatives coming up. In Norway we have a very good support from the public sectors, and it´s important to have these. But I think we have a lot to work on, and it´s important to se the partnership with Sweden.
More industrial involvement
- Through Batman and Invest in Norway, we think there is room for more collaboration and cooperation arenas. There is also a need for the industry and R&D to be more involved. Battery Norway will reach out for Nordic cooperation, and most important - batteries are mentioned as a criteria in the governments package for the green shift, says Lars Petter Maltby, Eyde Cluster.
Battery Norway is just a start. At this moment Freyr, Nikkelverket, Elkem, Morrow and Beyonder are participating in the hub.
- We hope that more companies will join the platform, says Maltby.
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