- Det er svært viktig å forstå potensialet og risikoen ved kunstig intelligens (AI)
Analytikere forventer at vi innen 2030 vil bli enda mer avhengige av kunstig intelligens (AI) i komplekse digitale systemer. Noen mener at AI vil fortsette å forbedre livene våre med hovedsakelig positive resultater, mens andre ser betydelige utfordringer i horisonten når vi blir stadig mer avhengige av AI. Vi spurte ChatGPT hvilke smarte spørsmål man kan stille professor i informatikk Xin Yao om AI og industrien.
Torsdag hostet Eyde Cluster et arrangement om kunstig intelligens (AI) og dens posisjon i Industri 5.0. Fire eksperter delte sine forventninger til utviklingen innen AI:
Professor i Computer Science, Xin Yao, Anna Olsson, Chief Commercial Officer i Intelecy, Per-Arne Andersen, associate professor i AI og cyber security ved Universitetet i Agder, Filippo Sanfilippo, Professor ved Institutt for Ingeniørvitenskap, Universitetet i Agder.
Fordi det var et arrangement om kunstig intelligens (AI) og hvordan vi kan bruke det i arbeidet vårt, bestemte jeg meg for å stille professor Xin Yao noen spørsmål som ble foreslått av AI-generatoren ChatGPT.
What are the current trends and advancements in AI that are most relevant to the industry?
- I think I see two aspects, once the AI has enable the improvement of the industry. And in other ways it may change the nature of some industry and the way we think of industry as a management industry. Some new industry might emerge.
You are talking about evolutionary computation, and what that can do for you. What do you mean about that?
- A lot of universities have demonstrated the opportunities, for examples mass customization ordering shoes. And with 3D-printing you can design it yourself. So in the supply chain I cut off a lot of stages. So with the emerge of AI, we might change the industry. It will be different and more efficient.
What ethical considerations or challenges arise with the widespread adoption of AI in industry?
- The risk is what impact it has on human being. AI is not very accurate and is based on books and the Internet. So the risk it that some people might take it as a true answer. And as e researcher, I am worried about the convergence of opinions. I am a believer in diversity, and specially in terms of innovation. If we rely too much on one source of AI, I think everybody tend to think in the same way. For example the answers you get from ChatGPT is from existing knowledge. It´s a conflict with these converged answers and the disrupting answers.
Another ethical risk, is transparancy issues. EV camera and the outcome. And then you have issues related to injustice. I think AI cause more potentially risks in those areas. And the ChatGPT is not sustainable, using so much electricity. And the risk is that if the technology has become so popular in the society, and if you are dominant in the marked, you will prevent other technologies from emerging.
How can companies and professionals stay updated and competitive in the rapidly evolving AI field?
- Thats a tough question. But I believe that no matter what kind of industry you have, it is very important to understand the potentials and the risks of AI. Because it is developing so fast. If you dont know your potential, you will miss opportunities. And if you dont know the risks, you will go sidetracked, specially when you are talking about ethical issues. In Europe they are in fact leading the world when it comes to regulatory rules in EU, called AI act. So it´s very important for the company, even if you are using AI or not, to be fully aware of this. It´s going to have an impact on your future. You have to have an awareness on how it affects your company.
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