
På oppdrag fra Klima- og miljødepartementet har vi kartlagt materialsidestrømmer fra 54 prosessindustri- og mineralbedrifter. Dette er i samarbeid med nasjonale og internasjonale eksperter for å finne nye bruksområder for disse materialsidestrømmene. 

Se også hvordan EU-prosjektet CE-RISE jobber med sidestrømmer:


Les kartleggingen av sidestrømmene her: Rapport 1, Rapport 2, Vedlegg rapport 2 og interessentkartlegging

Hør podcasten til Avfall Norge hvor Gunnar Kulia og Jorunn Voje forteller om sidestrømskartleggingen 

Les kronikken Helene Falch Fladmark hadde på

Read more about the side stream mapping
Relevant glossary:
  • Waste-streams: Streams sent to deposits or to garbage/waste incineration for heat recovery
  • Bi-products: Streams remanufactured to a new product that has a marked, i.e. Microsilica
  • Sidestreams: Material, energy or gas streams with a potential to be a bi-product or a raw material in another process.
  • Urban mining: The concept of extracting valuable materials from post-consumer waste.It describes the recovery and upcycling of materials from products that have arrived at the end of their functional life.
  • Digital Passport: The digital solution allowing us to trace materials throughout a value chain and contained in consumer products. This will allow for greater transparency in the value chains behind the products with external benefits for consumers choices as well as internally for supply chain management, life cycle analysis (LCA) and materials flow management.

  • Materials Flow Analysis: The discipline of assessing the flows of materials through value chains for either specific processes, products or the economy at large. By understanding these flows, for example for Critical Raw Materials (CRMs), it enables us to make better strategic choices and prioritization at both company as well as societal level.

