SEM/EDS-EBSD workshop - The new art of Material Characterization
Meet the top experts from the leading SEM/EDS Manufacturers JEOL, EDAX and professor Jarle Hjelen at this unique workshop in Grimstad.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is the most important analysing tool in modern materials science and engineering. In addition to high resolution images down to nanometer resolution, a modern instrument is capable of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis, several methods for detecting phases at high accuracy, electron beam induced current mapping for semiconductor research and crystallographic information both on the nanoscale and as quantitative mapping of specimen surfaces. SEM instruments are widespread both in academic / research institutions and at advanced industrial laboratories.
The workshop is intended both for operators of instruments and for researchers needing updated information of what modern instruments can contribute to the needs in experimental research of materials. Top experts from leading manufacturers will give the lectures, cf. the program.
Professor Jarle Hjelen performs SEM-related services and assignments and has worked with SEM since 1979. He has been working as a researcher for SINTEF, and later (from 1990) as a professor at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology).
- Date: 03.12.19 – 04.12.19
- Day 1: 10.30-19.00 (lunch 12:10-13:00 dinner 19:30)
- Day 2: 09:00-16:30 (lunch 12:15 – 13:15)
- Place: UiA, Grimstad, Norway
- Capacity: 20 people
- Price: 5900, - NOK
- Register within: 26.11.19
Contact person: Ann-Malene Ljøsne Hinlo +47 90859299
Eyde Cluster is providing registration form, thank you.
- tirsdag 3. desember 2019 - 10:30 - 19:00 : UiA Grimstad
- onsdag 4. desember 2019 - 09:00 - 16:30 : UiA Grimstad
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