ARENDALSUKA - Global Outlook 2023: Bridging a fragmented world
Global Outlook 2023: Bridging a fragmented world
We are coping with nearly unprecedented disruption and further challenges loom on the horizon. This year’s Global Outlook takes stock of current predicaments but also aims to provide a window into a new reality: one where we may find ways of drawing more forcefully on our values, bridge political divides and remedy the nature crisis.
The Global Outlook partners Arendalsuka, University of Agder, GCE NODE, Gard, Arendals Fossekompani and Eyde Cluster will again invite you to Arendalsuka's main stage at Arendal Kulturhus.
Crises on multiple fronts are deepening global divisions. War in Europe, US-China rivalry, widening inequality and a nature in distress are just a few of the serious issues fragmenting the world. Can we draw upon our values to find innovative, inclusive solutions? And, what is the cost of inaction?
Prominent experts from Oslo, Rome, New Delhi, Kyiv, Stockholm and Brussels turn the spotlight on key global trends, share their perspectives on ways to mitigate disaster, tackle disruption, bridge political and social divides.
Speakers at Global Outlook 2023 include:
- Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, Club of Rome
- Raja Mohan, Asia Society Policy Institute, New Delhi, Foreign Affairs analyst and Author of book on China-India rivalry
- Maryna Saprykina, Head of Ukraine’s Center for CSR Development
- Panel discussion with Vidar Helgesen, Executive Director, Nobel Foundation, Georg Riekeles, Associate Director, European Policy Centre, Brussels and Sofie Høgestøl an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Oslo.
- Anniken Huitfeldt, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs will hold the opening keynote.
The Global Outlook event on Monday 14 August is organized by Eyde Cluster, GCE NODE, The University of Agder, Gard and Arendals Fossekompani. It takes place on the opening day of Arendalsuka, Norway’s biggest political and societal festival offering 2,000 seminars and events over five days. It is attended by Norwegian activists, policy and decision makers from civil service, business and politics. Entry is free for all arrangements.
More information on the program and speakers will be updated on Global Outlook Norway - Home
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