Battery Coast/UiA invites to workshop: Battery Technology
Why batteries?
Lithium-ion batteries are key enablers for the green shift, allowing the storage of energy from renewable sources like wind or photovoltaics for later use. The industry in Sørlandet is orienting towards battery manufacturing, covering a broad range of the battery value chain from material and battery production to system design and recycling. It is a unique opportunity to utilize Norway’s hydropower to establish the most sustainable battery value chain worldwide.
About the course
In this one week workshop you will learn how lithium-ion batteries are working and what their main components are. Laboratory insights will allow you to learn how to build your own battery, analyze its performance and how batteries are handled safely in laboratory and application.
The course will conclude with outlooks on a sustainable battery value chain and ethical aspects of battery production.
Who can participate?
This course is open for all interested, and most relevant for professionals working in the industy or looking to re-orientate towards battery. We will start from basics and dive into the details over the course of the workshop. A technical background will be advantageous.
- mandag 25. september 2023
- fredag 29. september 2023
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