Workshop: Industrial symbiosis and circularity - Norwegian opportunities in a European perspective

Påmeldingsfrist: lør. 15. apr. 2023 - 00:00
Tid: tirsdag 18. april 2023 - 09:00 - 16:00 : Workshop: Industrial symbiosis and circularity - Norwegian opportunities in a European perspective. |
Kun for medlemmer
Sted: Elkem, Fiskåveien 100, Kristiansand

«Circular economy» and “industrial symbiosis” are often flagged as political objectives but despite good intentions, there are few significant examples of the circular economy and industrial symbiosis operating in practice. Most material production value chains are still linear, creating side-streams, wastes and energy flows that are not optimally utilized.

In the current workshop, we explore opportunities and barriers for increased resource utilization and bring forward examples of successful technologies that can support Norwegian industrial collaborative efforts for increased circularity, bringing together the silicon and the aluminium industries.

The workshop is a collaboration between the EU project SisAl Pilot, NTNU, Eyde, Elkem and BNW Energy, supported by the Research Council of Norway by the project "SisAl Enhanced".

At the workshop you will meet the SisAl Pilot coordinators Gabriella Tranell and Maria Wallin from NTNU, Daniel Cios from The European Commisson, Terence Keyworth from TOMRA, Member of Parliament (The Liberal Party) Ola Elvestuen, Kenneth Friestad, Gro Eide and Kjell Blandhol from Elkem, Torstein Haarberg from BNW-Energy, people from Hydro (TBC), as well as Stine Skagestad, Helene Falch Fladmark and Christophe Pinck from the Eyde Cluster.

Read more about the project here (article in Norwegian) 


The workshop is for invited members only. 


