Green Alliance EU-Norway - Agders role in the Green Transition
EU Mission to Norway, Eyde-cluster and Agder region invites to a dialogue on how to move forward on the common goals when the EU ambassador visits the region 17th and 18th of September 2024.
Please note that this event is for invited guests only.
PROGRAM (Engelsk)
14:30 Enkel servering
15:00 Setting the floor:
- Welcome : Agders role in the green transition, by Torunn Høyum-Eriksen, chair, committee of Business, Culture and Environment, Agder county
- The Green Alliance and why Norway and EU are strategic partners, by ambassador Nicolas de la Grandville
15:30 Opportunities - from the industry side:
- Prepared comments representing the different industries
16:15 Break
16: 30 Round table – open for comments and dialogue from all participants
17:20 Wrapping up
17:30 End of session