Green Lab visit - Skive, DK - 2nd -3rd of April

Tid: onsdag 2. april 2025 |
Åpent for all
Sted: Skive, Danmark

We are pleased to invite you to an exciting visit to GreenLab in Skive, Denmark. The theme of the gathering is planning industrial symbiosis, in collaboration with Eyde Cluster, GreenLab Skive, Linköping University, and Kalundborg Symbiosis.

Location: Green Lab, Skive. Address: Næstildvej 10A, 7860 Spøttrup, Danmark
Date: April 2nd – 3rd

April 2nd: 14:00 Arrival at GreenLab. Welcome - light refreshments. Introduction to GreenLab and the region. Workshop Part 1: Participants introducing themselves.

Dinner in the evening (time and place to be announced - separate registration required).

April 3rd: 
Workshop Part 2: Building a regional community 
Workshop Part 3: Innovative regional policies 
Workshop Part 4: Investing in infrastructure

Site visit.

16:00 End of session

If you are interested in participating; please send an email to for further information and registration.